Running the Dual Referee System at The Edge








General Refereeing Recommendations

The Edge staff and referee assignor are here to help support the referees.  If you have unusual issues with players or coaches that go beyond your ability, stop the game and get a staff member to help if need be.  If you have issues with fellow referees, the assignor would like to know.  Helping referees improve is one of our goals.


Please be on time.  It helps all of us to keep games on schedule.  Call The Edge if you will be late.  If you have a conflict, please call the assignor as soon as you can and we'll work to get the games covered.


Support fellow refs but listen to partners you trust for critical feedback (ie a foul that was missed or viewed differently, and other ways to manage a situation).  Indoor is quick and another trained set of eyes can provide a great setting for improving foul recognition and game management!


Always blow the whistle loud enough to be heard.  Too loud is not possible.  Too soft is useless.


Look professional, move. Inactivity, crossed arms, not facing the field (yes, some youth and coed games are slow) shows the players lack of interest and boredom—in other words, lack of respect.  We work hard as referees to gain respect, but it is easy to lose. Giving a bad impression reflects on all of us.


In managing players be respectful, quick explanations (not preaching), admit "not seeing" (hopefully not often), and listen but do not tolerate or encourage continued arguing. A ball in play is the referee's best friend, simply state the foul (“Tripping, blue kick”) and get back into position for the restart.  Stay calm, and delay to let things settle if necessary.


In general, you may wish to follow the rule of thumb, “Call more fouls.”  It is always easy to loosen the reins than try to reel in a game that is getting away.  Many games get out of hand due to no-calls, and players think the referee is not protecting them.  Games seldom get out of hand because the ref is whistling too often and won't “let 'em play”.  Referees are often hesitant to affect the game by calling fouls, but you also affect the game by not calling fouls.  While we want to show restraint, you must have the courage to make the calls (fouls, cautions and send-offs) that need to be made.